Update #2: CV have published entry lists here: http://www.vic.cycling.org.au/?Page=47607 Use this link to check your entry status.
I've also been quoted on a popular cycling blog regarding my "KitKat quote" below. They've attempted to spin it into something very negative. I think most people took it for its intent, a light quip about a $22 entry fee increase (previous years has been $10 jump). Think of it like a "shit, fuel has gone up again" scenario. We moan, we fill up, pay, drive on.
People who read this blog know I'm a huge supporter of country clubs such as the Alpine CC, the ToB, the people behind it. I'm disappointed someone has taken the time to sensationalise what I've said into what I clearly didn't.
Update: CV have taken all entry lists offline as of 5:20pm. The lists below are what were published as of 1:32pm. If you entered after this and got in, you won't be on the list. They're yet to do the "Elite->MAS" shuffle for a lot of Elite riders so expect MMAS123/45/etc to expand and C/B to slim down. A Grade Teams are partial lists. They've reserved spots for teams to enter at a later date.
Race: 2858 / Tour of Bright - A Grade Men Teams
Race: 2859 / Tour of Bright - A Grade Women Teams
Race: 2851 / Tour of Bright - Men B Grade
Race: 2852 / Tour of Bright - Men C Grade
Race: 2853 / Tour of Bright - Women B Grade
Race: 2854 / Tour of Bright - Women C Grade
Race: 2855 / Tour of Bright - Masters 1,2,3
Race: 2856 / Tour of Bright - Masters 4-5
Race: 2857 / Tour of Bright - Masters 6+
More Information:
- Official Tour of Bright website
- Alpine Cycling Club Facebook
- Tour of Bright 2012 Apline CC Facebook 'Event'
- Cycling Victoria
At $142 a pop let's hope we get two KitKats in the showbag this year!
Wade is Canadian and wouldn't recognise an ironic tone if it punched him in the cock.