
Friday, 23 November 2012

Shane & Von's Excellent Adventures - October/November 2012.

Von looking cute, me looking like a crazy.
Bright TT course - Post Alpine CC TT.
A lack of updates hasn't stopped the traffic hitting this blog. The CyclingNews article about my domain ownership and people snooping past race results prior to the Tour of Bright is keeping the traffic up..... So here is a mixed update of things with a lot of photos. People love photos!

After the Masters Nationals TT SuperVon (my fiancé) and I have done lots of riding, lots of travelling, and a bit of racing. Von has done the Goldfields Tour, women's crits, and more training than me. Here is the rundown of my past eight weeks:

  • Grampians Audax. Our yearly return to the hills after the Masters Nationals TT. 100kms, 2600m of climbing. From 30deg in NSW a few days prior to 2.6deg, it was a tough day! Strava Linky.
  • Grampians Vets 46km Handicap: Off scratch. Almost taken out by a rider falling on the 12km corner. Lost 5mins helping him change. TTed like mad on the front for 34km. We caught nobody. Great to finally race with this club after years of following their races/results. Von and I will be racing with them whenever we get back to Horsham. 
  • The Brackenbury @ Creswick. Eureka Vets. Technical crit in the center of town for the festival. Was great to meet a few new faces and scoot around town with them on bikes! 
  • Seymour-Broadford CC 2012 Mountain Goat Classic. We missed the winners by 45 sec. Close! I managed FT with a little finish line kick. SBCC run road races and handicaps in summer. Keep an eye on their calendar if you want to race something other than crits! 
  • Eastern Vets Wednesday Crits - Kew. Snuck in an early morning race. I let someone else make the move at about 20mins in, I bridged, worked with them to stay away, rolled in 2nd.
  • Had a good crack at Tony Reeckman's Mt Buffalo Challenge. PB and 2 mins faster than this time last year. The not-so-secret diet of eating less is working. It just takes time and lots and lots of kms.
  • Kelly Country Classic at Sam Miranda. 105kms with the Wangaratta locals and a few others to support Northeast Health. Marty Tobin once again leading the way in running cycling events in North East. Great day out.
  • Coburg CC 'FlashMob TT' in Bright. Wandi 16km TT course. Great prep for the Tour of Bright after 130km in the morning. 1st place, with SLane in 2nd.
  • Alpine CC Monday Night TT. The awesome 16km Wandi TT. Headwind out. Lightening fast home. 1st and a new PB on the course. Bring on ToB!

Somewhere in all the mix the wedding planning is happening. I've also been working with a few people to improve their time trialling too. Can't wait to see their improvements in 2013.

It will be a pretty busy few months coming up. As always, keep an eye on my Twitter feed and Facebook for other shorter, and sometimes more emotionally charged updates.....

Heather Mills has her own public loo in St Arnaud.

Jimmy the dog.... trying to open his own Facebook account.
SBCC Mountain Goat 2012 - Fastest Time.
Photo by Jo Upton Photography
Snake Valley main street. Fully sick.

Von warming up at Snake Valley. Goldfields Tour stage 4.

Von and Emma - B Grade Goldfields Tour Superheroes!
Mt Buffalo Challenge - 1/2 way.
Mt Buffalo

Trainer-ception. Twice the resistance?
Post ride story telling at the Kelly Country Classic.

SLane at the top of Hotham.

Eurobin Falls - Mt Buffalo. Magic!
I had to take my bike shoes off and rock-hop up here for this shot.

Artsy shot of my 'Wiggo' front wheel on the TT course.
Support during the Alpine CC TT was awesome!

Post TT warm-down with Von.
Yeah, I got arty. Saw this somewhere and made my own.

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