Friday, 13 September 2013

Operating tables to New South Wales.

With my collarbone still floating around at the three week check-up, the surgeon gave me two options. 1. Wait or 2. Operate and get mobile sooner. There was no hesitation, I was signed up and sliced up a few days later. The options were a hook-plate or a standard plate. Both not optimal for getting back on the bike and getting aero, especially the hook plate. I woke up in recovery to find out they'd taken out the old screw and put a new one in. Perfect! No follow up operation to get a plate removed in the future either. Best outcome possible. The assistant surgeon didn't approve of me asking about racing the NSW Masters State TT champs in two weeks, so that idea was shelved.... for now.
What went in.
What came out.

Straight after my stack, Fenz (the coach) had shuffled my training plan for 100% ergo work. The prescribed V02 sessions the day after my op were given a miss. I was back into them the day after that. The legs and lungs were still good. On the following Wednesday I was over the ergo work. The sun was shining as I rolled gently down to the Kew Boulie.... just in time for the Eastern Vets morning crits. $3 entry fee for a 40min crit. nekminnit I'm off the front with Ag Giramondo. When you're in a break with the Drapac DS, you don't miss a turn or soft pedal! :) We managed to lap the Division 1 field who had given up the chase at about 30mins. I rolled off the front and got away again so I didn't have to rip on the bars in a sprint. $12 for the win, an excellent hit out, and a good leg test.

Paul over at Bike'n'Bean made magic happen and I was back on a Shiv TT rig, and this one has a Quarq fitted! Niiiiiicccccceeeeee.

After a month of ergo sessions followed by couch time, Von and I were still keen for a road trip to NSW for their Masters Championships from Sept 6th-8th. Von had registered for all three events (TT, crit, road). I was still on the TT start list, so I packed all my gear. If race day was like last year with 60km/h winds and sideways rain I'd give it a miss. Turns out race day was perfect. 27 degrees, an unseasonal "only 30k/h" head wind, and no rain in sight.

Hold me closer tiny dancer!
Von had a great ride in the TT knocking off over a minute on her time from last year. Being MMAS2 I now had Sieper and Milostic to contend with. I was 2nd off in MMAS2 and settled into the TT as best I could. I caught my minute man at 4.8km and I had empty road from there. I was a little asymmetric on the bike with the right shoulder still pretty tight, so there were a few swears on the return leg as the front end hit bumps in the road. The final km of this course is magic - super fast and super smooth. I crossed the line with a 30:25. 1st place MMAS2 and fastest on the day by a solid margin.

That result made all the evil ergos worth it. The build through to the Masters Nationals in October is still 100% on track and hasn't missed a beat through the stack, surgery, and recovery. Between now and then we are full steam ahead. We now return to our regular programming - Club TTs, Amy's Gran Fondo, Vets Nationals and the Masters Games. Game on!

Post TT discussions with the coach.

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