Wednesday, 19 February 2014

2014 Horsham Triathlon

We were happy to be back in Horsham last weekend for their annual triathlon. The event continues to grow every year with more support from the local community and an increasing number of fast athletes showing up from around the state.

This was the fourth consecutive year I've competed as part of Team Tripod. We were there to continue our winning streak from previous years. Our race strategy hasn't changed since our first year - we don't have one. Just go as hard as we can, and see where we end up.

The weather wasn't as hot as previous years making things a little more comfortable for competitors and spectators. The junior event almost outnumbered the seniors this year.

Our team swimmer was out of the water mid-pack, handing me the task of chasing though a lot of riders towards the lead car on the course. Over the 20km I made my way through them all except one, missing the pass by only 100m. With no change of shoes required, Katie was first out on the run leg and ran us to 1st place in the teams classification! Woohoo!

The road side support is also getting bigger every year. Many locals setting up tables and chairs on their nature strip to watch us fly (suffer) by. Big thanks to Mark and the Horsham crew who run the show and to everyone who came out to support everyone on the day. We'll be back in 2015 to do it again!

Bike ready to roll!
Relaxing in transition waiting for my swimmer....
Our swimmer is in there somewhere....
Final corner.
Katie on the run!
1st place overall teams!
One happy team!


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